RAD Studio VCL Reference
Represents the UTF-8 byte-order mark.
sUTF8BOMString: array[1..3] of AnsiChar = (AnsiChar(#$EF), AnsiChar(#$BB), AnsiChar(#$BF));
array[1..3] of AnsiChar sUTF8BOMString = (AnsiChar(#$EF), AnsiChar(#$BB), AnsiChar(#$BF));
sUTF8BOMString is a 3 byte array that represents the UTF-8 byte-order mark. The byte-order mark is used to detect if a given text is UTF-8 encoded.
To manually check if a given text is UTF-8 encoded, check whether the first 3 bytes match the ones defined by sUTF8BOMString constant.
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