RAD Studio VCL Reference
Adds schema information to represent a specified type.
procedure GenerateXMLSchema(SchemaDef: IXMLSchemaDef; const ATypeInfo: PTypeinfo; const ParentInfo: PTypeinfo; Namespace: InvString);
__fastcall GenerateXMLSchema(IXMLSchemaDef SchemaDef, const PTypeinfo ATypeInfo, const PTypeinfo ParentInfo, InvString Namespace);
GenerateXMLSchema adds information to an emerging schema to represent information about a specified type.
SchemaDef is the interface for the emerging schema. GenerateXMLSchema uses the properties and methods of this interface to add schema information for the specified type.
ATypeInfo is the runtime type information (RTT) for the type to add.
ParentInfo is the RTTI for the type from which the type specified by ATypeInfo is derived. If ATypeInfo does not describe a descendant type, ParentInfo is nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++).
Namespace is the namespace URI in which the schema definition is defined.
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