RAD Studio VCL Reference
TAdapterDisplayColumn displays an Adapter field in a grid.
TAdapterDisplayColumn = class(TCustomAdapterDisplayColumn);
class TAdapterDisplayColumn : public TCustomAdapterDisplayColumn;
Add TAdapterDisplayColumn as a child of a TAdapterGrid to display an Adapter field. The TAdapterGrid specifies the Adapter used by TAdapterDisplayColumn.
Use the properties and methods of TAdapterDisplayColumn to:
Specify the Adapter field whose value the component displays.
Specify a caption for the column.
Specify when the column should be hidden.
Customize the appearance of the column.
TAdapterDisplayColumn supports multiple display presentation: text, list, and image. The display type can be set explicitly or TAdapterDisplayColumn will automatically choose a display type that is appropriate for the Adapter field.
TAdapterDisplayColumn is a minimal implementation of TCustomAdapterDisplayColumn. To extend this component, create your own concrete descendant of TCustomAdapterDisplayColumn.
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