RAD Studio VCL Reference
Provides the underlying implementation for the CanAddClass method.
function ImplCanAddClass(AParent: TComponent; AClass: TClass): Boolean; virtual;
virtual __fastcall Boolean ImplCanAddClass(TComponent * AParent, TClass AClass);
The CanAddClass method calls ImplCanAddClass to determine whether an object of a specified type can be added to this collection.
AParent is the TAdapterSubComponent descendant to which the Web item will be added.
AClass is the class of the proposed child item.
ImplCanAddClass returns true if the TAdapterSubComponent descendant can include a child of type AClass, false otherwise.
In TAdapterSubComponent, ImplCanAddClass always returns false, disallowing any child items. Descendant classes override this method to conditionally allow those fields or actions that are appropriate to the associated adapter.
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