RAD Studio VCL Reference
Returns the Web module that contains a specified item from this list.
function FindVariableContainer(const AName: string): TComponent;
__fastcall TComponent * FindVariableContainer(const AnsiString AName);
FindVariableContainer searches the list of child items that have variable names (the VariablesInUse property) to find one with the specified name. It then returns the Web module that contains the component it located.
AName is the name of the action or field to locate.
FindVariableContainer returns the Web module that containse the specified item. If there is no item in the list with the name AName, FindVariableContainer returns nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++). If FindVariableContainer includes an item with the specified name, but is unable to determine what Web module contains that item, FindVariableContainer raises an EAdapterException exception.
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