RAD Studio VCL Reference
Returns the interface for a specified operation on a specified binding.
function GetBindingOperationNode(const BindingName: DOMString; const Operation: DOMString; OverloadIndex: Integer): IBindingOperation;
__fastcall IBindingOperation GetBindingOperationNode(const DOMString BindingName, const DOMString Operation, int OverloadIndex);
Call GetBindingOperationNode to retrieve the operation interface for a SOAP binding. GetBindingOperationNode locates a binding with the specified name, and searches its child nodes for an operation node with the specified name. If there is more than one operation with the specified name (that is, if the method is overloaded), GetBindingOperationNode locates the desired overload based on its position.
BindingName is the name of the binding. A binding describes the encoding and transport protocols for an associated port type.
Operation is the name of the operation of that binding node. Operations correspond to methods on an invokable interface.
OverloadIndex indicates which operation node to choose if there are overloaded methods. 0 indicates the first operation node with the specified name, 1 indicates the second operation node with that name, and so on.
GetBindingOperationNode returns an IBindingOperation interface, which can be used to access the name, inputs, outputs, and faults associated with the operation. If GetBindingOperationNode is unable to locate an operation node for the specified binding and operation names, it returns nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++).
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