RAD Studio VCL Reference
Variants.VarEnsureRange Function

Returns a System::Variant with a value in a specified range.

function VarEnsureRange(const AValue: Variant; const AMin: Variant; const AMax: Variant): Variant;
Variant VarEnsureRange(const Variant AValue, const Variant AMin, const Variant AMax);

VarEnsureRange returns a System::Variant whose value is guaranteed to be within a specified range. 

AValue is a System::Variant with the value you want as long as it is in range. If AValue is in range, VarEnsureRange returns AValue. 

AMin is a System::Variant with the minimum acceptable value. If AValue is less than AMin, VarEnsureRange returns AMin. 

AMax is a System::Variant with the maximum acceptable value. If AValue is greater than AMax, VarEnsureRange returns AMax. 


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