RAD Studio VCL Reference
TValueListEditor.Keys Property

Lists the strings for each cell in the name (key) column.

property Keys [Index: Integer]: string;
__property AnsiString Keys[int Index];

Use Keys to access the name (or key) value for a particular row. That is, Keys assumes the strings in the associated string list have the form Name=Value, and returns the Name portion. 

Index identifies the Row of the value list editor. It takes a value from 0 to the number of rows. When DisplayOptions includes doColumnTitles, the value of Keys is the title of the first column when Index is 0, and is the Name portion of the string when Index is greater than 0. When DisplayOptions does not include doColumnTitles, the value of Keys is the Name portion of the string in the specified row. 

To access the strings in the value column, use the Values property instead. To access the underlying string list, use the Strings property. 


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