RAD Studio VCL Reference
Calls message-handling methods for the object, based on the contents of the Message parameter.
procedure Dispatch(var Message); virtual;
virtual Dispatch(var Message);
Call System::TObject::Dispatch to automatically pass messages to the appropriate message handler.
System::TObject::Dispatch determines whether a message is in the list of message handlers declared for the object. If the object does not handle the message, System::TObject::Dispatch then examines the message-handler list of the ancestor class, and continues checking ancestors until it either finds a specific handler or runs out of ancestors, in which case it calls System::TObject::DefaultHandler.
The only assumption System::TObject::Dispatch makes about the data in Message is that the first two bytes contain a message ID—that is, an integer that determines which message handler System::TObject::Dispatch calls. Although any kind of data can be passed to System::TObject::Dispatch, most System::TObject descendants expect a message record such as TMessage or a specific data structure type.
Delphi Examples:
{ This example demonstrates the use of message dispatching on TObject and any descendants. Using the same techniques a form of message based OOP can be acheived where an object "implements" a certain interface based on messages. } { Define the object interface messages } const INTF_MESSAGE_LOWER_STR = 1; INTF_MESSAGE_UPPER_STR = 2; type { String container message that will be passed } TStrCntrMessage = packed record MessageId : Word; MsgText : String; end; { String handler object that will serve requests } TStringHandler = class private procedure StrUpCase(var AMessage : TStrCntrMessage); message INTF_MESSAGE_UPPER_STR; procedure StrLowCase(var AMessage : TStrCntrMessage); message INTF_MESSAGE_LOWER_STR; public procedure DefaultHandler(var Message); override; end; { TStringHandler } procedure TStringHandler.DefaultHandler(var Message); var MessageId : Word absolute Message; begin { Display out message then pass control to default handler } MessageDlg('Unhandled message ' + IntToStr(MessageId) + ' received!', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); inherited; end; procedure TStringHandler.StrLowCase( var AMessage: TStrCntrMessage); begin AMessage.MsgText := LowerCase(AMessage.MsgText); end; procedure TStringHandler.StrUpCase( var AMessage: TStrCntrMessage); begin AMessage.MsgText := UpperCase(AMessage.MsgText); end; { TForm2} procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var Hndlr: TStringHandler; Msg: TStrCntrMessage; begin { Create object instance, dispatch a message and free it } Hndlr := TStringHandler.Create(); { Lower-case a string using messaging } Msg.MessageId := INTF_MESSAGE_LOWER_STR; Msg.MsgText := 'Hello World'; Hndlr.Dispatch(Msg); MessageDlg('Lower-cased string: ' + Msg.MsgText, mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); { Upper-case a string using messaging } Msg.MessageId := INTF_MESSAGE_UPPER_STR; Msg.MsgText := 'Hello World'; Hndlr.Dispatch(Msg); MessageDlg('Upper-cased string: ' + Msg.MsgText, mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); Hndlr.Free; end;
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