RAD Studio VCL Reference
System::DelphiInterface is a C++ implementation of the Delphi interface.
DelphiInterface<class T> = class;
template <class T> class DelphiInterface;
A Delphi interface is an abstract collection of properties, methods, and events with no implementation. It resembles a C++ class with only pure virtual methods. However a Delphi interface type supports built-in reference counting.
System::DelphiInterface is a C++ template that defines types compatible with Delphi interfaces, System::DelphiInterface defines reference counting logic in its initialization constructor, copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor.
template <class T> class RTL_DELPHIRETURN DelphiInterface;
where the T parameter is an underlying interface class or COM interface. In the object framework, the resulting System::DelphiInterface class is usually given a name such as _di_IUnknown, where IUnknown is the name of the corresponding interface. Such interfaces are documented under the interface name (such as IFormDesigner).
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