RAD Studio VCL Reference
Returns a pointer to the underlying string System::AnsiStringT::data.
function data: const void*;
__fastcall const void* data() const;
System::AnsiStringT::data returns a pointer to a null-terminated character array that the System::AnsiStringT uses to store its value. This is the same value as the one returned by the System::AnsiStringT::c_str method, except that System::AnsiStringT::data returns a NULL pointer when the value is an empty string.
AnsiString x; ShellExecute(0, static_cast<const char*>(x.data()), "File.txt", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW);
If TCHAR mapping is set to wchar_t, ShellExecute becomes the wide version, ShellExecuteW. If you want to use the Ansi version of ShellExecute when TCHAR mapping is set to wchar_t, you should specify ShellExecuteA.
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