PGUID is a pointer to a TGUID variable.
PGUID is a pointer to a TGUID variable.
C++ Examples:
// //This example demonstrates the usage of some GUID related routines along with //the type itself. // void __fastcall TForm2::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { TGUID myGuid0, myGuid1; /* Create a new GUID from the string representation */ myGuid0 = StringToGUID("{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"); Memo1->Lines->Add("The GUID is: " + GUIDToString(myGuid0)); /* Accessing GUID's internal fields. Using Format function to obtain the same output as GUIDToString */ Memo1->Lines->Add(Format(String("GUID using formatting is: ") + "{%0.8X-%0.4X-%0.4X-%0.2X%0.2X-%0.2X%0.2X%0.2X%0.2X%0.2X%0.2X}", ARRAYOFCONST((myGuid0.Data1, myGuid0.Data2, myGuid0.Data3, myGuid0.Data4[0], myGuid0.Data4[1], myGuid0.Data4[2], myGuid0.Data4[3], myGuid0.Data4[4], myGuid0.Data4[5], myGuid0.Data4[6], myGuid0.Data4[7])))); /* Auto-generate a random GUID at runtime */ if (CreateGUID(myGuid1) != 0) Memo1->Lines->Add("Creating GUID failed!"); else Memo1->Lines->Add("The generated guid is: " + GUIDToString(myGuid1)); /* Generating second random GUID */ CreateGUID(myGuid0); /* Testing if 2 guids are equal */ if (IsEqualGUID(myGuid0, myGuid1)) Memo1->Lines->Add("This cannot happen! CreateGUID guarantees that 2 " + String("randomly generated GUIDs cannot be equal!")); }
Delphi Examples:
{ This example demonstrates the usage of some GUID related routines along with the type itself. } procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var MyGuid0, MyGuid1 : TGUID; begin { Create a new GUID from the string representation } MyGuid0 := StringToGUID('{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'); Memo1.Lines.Add('The GUID is: ' + GUIDToString(MyGuid0)); { Accessing GUID's internal fields. Using Format function to obtain the same output as GUIDToString } Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('GUID using formatting is: ' + '{%0.8X-%0.4X-%0.4X-%0.2X%0.2X-%0.2X%0.2X%0.2X%0.2X%0.2X%0.2X}', [MyGuid0.D1, MyGuid0.D2, MyGuid0.D3, MyGuid0.D4[0], MyGuid0.D4[1], MyGuid0.D4[2], MyGuid0.D4[3], MyGuid0.D4[4], MyGuid0.D4[5], MyGuid0.D4[6], MyGuid0.D4[7]])); { Auto-generate a random GUID at runtime } if CreateGUID(MyGuid1) <> 0 then Memo1.Lines.Add('Creating GUID failed!') else Memo1.Lines.Add('The generated guid is: ' + GUIDToString(MyGuid1)); { Generating second random GUID } CreateGUID(MyGuid0); { Testing if 2 guids are equal } if IsEqualGUID(MyGuid0, MyGuid1) then Memo1.Lines.Add('This cannot happen! CreateGUID guarantees that ' + '2 randomly generated GUIDs cannot be equal!'); end;
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