RAD Studio VCL Reference
SysUtils.StringReplace Function

Replaces occurrences of a substring within a string.

function StringReplace(const S: string; const OldPattern: string; const NewPattern: string; Flags: TReplaceFlags): string; overload;
AnsiString StringReplace(const AnsiString S, const AnsiString OldPattern, const AnsiString NewPattern, TReplaceFlags Flags);

StringReplace replaces occurrences of the substring specified by OldPattern with the substring specified by NewPattern in the string S.  

Flags is a TReplaceFlags type parameter. If rfIgnoreCase is set, the replacement is case-sensitive; otherwise case is ignored. If rfReplaceAll is on, all occurrences of OldPattern are replaced; if not, only the first occurrence is replaced.

Note: The parameters S, OldPattern, NewPattern, and the return value are of type UnicodeString. To do the replacement in an AnsiString context, use the StringReplace function. Also, to do the replacement in a WideString context, use the WideStringReplace function.
Note: Recursive replacement of substrings is not supported. This means that if the substitution of OldPattern results in a new match for NewPattern, that match is not replaced.
To replace all occurrences of the substring within the string, you may also use the ReplaceStr function to do a case-sensitive search, or ReplaceText to do a case-insensitive search. 


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