RAD Studio VCL Reference
TSearchReplace.HelpKeyword Property

Indicates the help keyword for client controls and menu items.

property HelpKeyword: string;
__property AnsiString HelpKeyword;

HelpKeyword, when set, specifies the keyword that identifies a help topic for this action. This value is propagated to the HelpKeyword property of client controls and menu items. The interpretation of HelpKeyword depends on which help system is used to display the topic. For example, when using HyperHelp (on Linux) or WinHelp (on Windows), HelpKeyword refers to an A link. 

When a client control has focus and the user presses the F1 key (or the key specified by the application's HelpKey property), the control uses the value of HelpKeyword for this associated action object to invoke the online help targeting a specific topic. Leave the HelpKeyword property of the client control unassigned. This allows multiple controls (and multiple types of controls) to be associated with the same help topic through the one action object.

Note: HelpKeyword is only used when the HelpType property of this action or the client control is htKeyword.


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