RAD Studio VCL Reference
Looks up information or forms socket connections asynchronously.
procedure AsyncInitSocket(const Name: string; const Address: string; const Service: string; Port: Word; QueueSize: Integer; Client: Boolean);
__fastcall AsyncInitSocket(const AnsiString Name, const AnsiString Address, const AnsiString Service, Word Port, int QueueSize, Boolean Client);
AsyncInitSocket is used internally to open a socket connection in non-blocking sockets. It is called by the Open or Listen method when that method's Block parameter is false.
The Name parameter is the host name for the socket. The Address parameter is the IP address. The Service parameter is the service for which the socket is to used. The Port parameter is the port number for the socket. The QueueSize parameter indicates the number of client requests a listening connection can hold while waiting to form connections. The Client parameter indicates whether the socket address structure is to be used by a client socket to describe the destination of a connection or by a server socket to describe the listening connection.
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