RAD Studio VCL Reference
Interprets an incoming SOAP message, calls the target interface, and encodes any return values.
procedure DispatchSOAP(const Path: WideString; const SoapAction: WideString; const Request: TStream; Response: TStream; var BindingType: TWebServiceBindingType); virtual;
virtual __fastcall DispatchSOAP(const BSTR Path, const BSTR SoapAction, const TStream Request, TStream Response, TWebServiceBindingType BindingType);
The SOAP dispatcher component (THTTPSoapDispatcher) calls DispatchSOAP when it receives an incoming SOAP message. DispatchSOAP interprets the message, looks up the target interface in the invocation registry, and calls the Invoke method to execute the call and encode any return values as a SOAP string.
Path is the path portion of the URL to which the incoming request message was addressed.
SoapAction is the content of the SOAP Action header of the incoming HTTP request message.
Request is a stream from which DispatchSOAP can read the content of the incoming request message. It contains the SOAP encoding of an interface call.
Response is a stream to which DispatchSOAP writes the SOAP encoding of any return values. THTTPSoapPascalInvoker uses this as the content for the outgoing response message.
BindingType indicates the format of the Request and Response. It is either btSOAP (to indicate a SOAP packet) or btMime (for a multipart form when the request or response includes attachments). On entry, BindingType indicates the format of the encoded request message. DispatchSOAP changes BindingType to the format of the response message.
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