RAD Studio VCL Reference
TPacketInterceptFactory is the type of the class factory used to instantiate a data packet interceptor.
TPacketInterceptFactory = class(TComObjectFactory);
class TPacketInterceptFactory : public TComObjectFactory;
In Delphi, use TPacketInterceptFactory as the class factory for COM objects that implement the IDataIntercept interface. Data packet interceptors implement the IDataIntercept interface, which they use in multi-tiered database applications to modify the data that passes between a socket connection component in the client application and scktsrvr.exe on the server. TPacketInterceptFactory registers the data packet interceptor so that can appear in the drop-down list of the Object Inspector when setting the socket connection's InterceptName property and in the corresponding list in the properties dialog of scktsrvr.exe.
TPacketInterceptFactory supports the IUnknown, IClassFactory, and IClassFactory2 interfaces. The IClassFactory interface is implemented by class objects associated with class identifiers (CLSIDs) for the classes that they instantiate. IClassFactory must be implemented for every object definition, so that objects of that type can be created. The IClassFactory2 interface is implemented by class factories for classes that need support for licensing.
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