RAD Studio VCL Reference
Page currently displayed by ribbon control.
property ActivePage: TCustomRibbonPage;
__property TCustomRibbonPage ActivePage;
ActivePage is the page currently displayed by the ribbon control.
Read ActivePage to determine which page is selected by the user. The user selects a page by clicking the mouse on its tab or selects the page's associated keytip. Set ActivePage to bring a page to the foreground. Only one page can be active at a time.
Use TRibbonTabs.SelectNext and TRibbonTabs.SelectPrior to select the next and prior pages in the ribbon. If the active page does not change after a call to SelectNext or SelectPrior, the return value of those functions is False.
To change the active page of the ribbon by Index, set the TabIndex property to the desired page index.
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