RAD Studio VCL Reference
Indicates whether a specified request message contains information encoded in a way that this parser understands.
class function CanParse(AWebRequest: TWebRequest): Boolean; override;
virtual __fastcall Boolean CanParse(TWebRequest AWebRequest);
CanParse indicates whether a content parser class can handle parsing a specified request message. CanParse is a class method (Delphi) or static method (C++), which means the Web request does not need an instantiated object to call this method. The Web request object calls the CanParse method of every registered content parser until it finds one that can parse its content.
AWebRequest is the current HTTP request message.
CanParse returns true if this class can parse AWebRequest, false if AWebRequest does not indicate an encoding that this class understands.
In TMultipartContentParser, CanParse returns true if AWebRequest has a content type of 'multipart/form-data'. If the Web request indicates some other content type, the Web request uses a different content parser class such as TContentParser.
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