RAD Studio VCL Reference
Provides the underlying implementation of the Execute method.
procedure InternalExecute(const CommandText: WideString; var Params: OleVariant); override;
virtual __fastcall InternalExecute(const BSTR CommandText, OleVariant Params);
The Execute method calls InternalExecute to execute the appropriate SQL statement after calling DoBeforeExecute to generate a BeforeExecute event and apply the CommandText and Params. As Implemented in TCustomProvider, InternalExecute does nothing. Descendants override this method to pass the execute command on to an associated dataset.
CommandText is an SQL statement that replaces the SQL of an associated query, or the name of a stored procedure that replaces the associated stored procedure. This parameter is ignored if the Options property does not include poAllowCommandText.
On entry, Params supplies parameter values for the query, stored procedure, or CommandText string. On exit, Params returns any output parameters.
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