RAD Studio VCL Reference
Inserts a node containing data at a specified position.
function InsertObject(Index: LongInt; const Text: string; const Data: TCustomData): LongInt;
__fastcall LongInt InsertObject(LongInt Index, const AnsiString Text, const TCustomData Data);
Use InsertObject to add a TOutlineNode object to the outline and assign it a data pointer. Text specifies the value of the Text property for the new node. Data specifies the value of the Data property for the new node.
Index specifies where to add the new node. The new node is positioned in the outline in the position currently occupied by the node identified by Index. The new node is inserted at the same level as the node currently identified by Index, so that the original node and the new node are siblings and share the same parent. To add nodes to the beginning of the outline, specify zero (0) as the Index parameter.
Nodes that appear after the new node, including the one specified by Index before Insert is called, are moved down one row and reindexed in the Items property array with valid Index values. If BeginUpdate has been called, the Items array is not reindexed until the EndUpdate method is called.
Insert returns the Index property of the new node.
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