RAD Studio VCL Reference
Indicates whether a connection attempt to the associated server machine has failed.
property HasFailed: Boolean;
__property Boolean HasFailed;
When connection components can't successfully open a connection to an application server, they inform the object broker by calling SetConnectStatus. The simple object broker, in turn, records this fact by setting the HasFailed property to true.
When HasFailed is false, the ComputerName property can be supplied to connection components by the object broker's GetComputerForGUID or GetComputerForProgID methods. When HasFailed is true, the server item is not returned.
Once a server has failed it is presumed to be down until the application explicitly resets the HasFailed property to false.
Do not use HasFailed to disable server items. Instead, use the Enabled property to disable servers for any reason other than a failed connection.
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