RAD Studio VCL Reference
TQueryFieldGroup arranges information on an HTML form as a set of labeled fields.
TQueryFieldGroup = class(TCustomFieldGroup, IQueryFields);
class TQueryFieldGroup : public TCustomFieldGroup, public IQueryFields;
Add TQueryFieldGroup to a query form component (TQueryForm) or a layout group (TLayoutGroup) that is a child for a query form. TQueryFieldGroup generates the HTML to display information in labeled fields. By default, TQueryFieldGroup displays information about the parameters for an XML broker, but it can be used to display any application-defined named values.
TQueryFieldGroup maintains a list of Web items that generate the individual display fields. These Web items are restricted to the following classes: TQueryText, TQueryTextArea, TQuerySelectOptions, and TQueryRadioGroup. If the query field group displays parameter values, you can bind the query field group to an XML data packet or dataset field within an XML data packet. The Web items can then use that binding to determine the source of the parameters they display.
You can also use the properties of TQueryFieldGroup to affect the overall appearance of the set of fields.
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