RAD Studio VCL Reference
TQueryButton is the base class for Web items that create HTML buttons that manage application-defined values.
TQueryButton = class(TWebButton);
class TQueryButton : public TWebButton;
Use TQueryButton as a base class in an InternetExpress application for components that generate the HTML statements defining a specialized button control for managing the application-defined input controls. TQueryButton objects are used by TQueryForm, which organizes the generated buttons and the input controls they manipulate.
TQueryButton defines properties and methods for
Generating the HTML code to define the button control.
Specifying tag attributes of the HTML button control, including those defined by a style sheet.
Associating the button with a Query form whose controls it influences.
Fitting the component into a hierarchy of Web items, each of which generates part of a larger HTML document.
In order to allow other Web items to use the HTML generated by the button control, TQueryButton inherits support for the IWebContent interface from TWebButton.
Do not create instances of TQueryButton. TQueryButton relies on anabstract or, in C++ terminology, pure virtual method to generate the HTML statements defining a button control. Instead, create descendants of TQueryButton, such as TResetQueryButton or TSubmitQueryButton.
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