RAD Studio VCL Reference
TMPTimeFormats indicates the format a media player uses to indicate position.
TMPTimeFormats = ( tfMilliseconds, tfHMS, tfMSF, tfFrames, tfSMPTE24, tfSMPTE25, tfSMPTE30, tfSMPTE30Drop, tfBytes, tfSamples, tfTMSF );
enum TMPTimeFormats { tfMilliseconds, tfHMS, tfMSF, tfFrames, tfSMPTE24, tfSMPTE25, tfSMPTE30, tfSMPTE30Drop, tfBytes, tfSamples, tfTMSF };
The TMPTimeFormats type defines the time formats for a multimedia device used with a TMediaPlayer. The following table lists the possible values for the TMPTimeFormats type:
Value |
Time format |
tfMilliseconds |
Milliseconds are stored as a 4-byte integer variable. |
tfHMS |
Hours, minutes, and seconds packed into a 4-byte integer. From least significant to most significant byte, the data values are |
Hours (least significant byte) |
Minutes |
Seconds |
Unused (most significant byte) |
tfMSF |
Minutes, seconds, and frames packed into a 4-byte integer. From least significant to most significant byte, the data values are |
Minutes (least significant byte) |
Seconds |
Frames |
Unused (most significant byte) |
tfFrames |
Frames are stored as a 4-byte integer variable. |
tfSMPTE24 |
24-frame SMPTE packs values in a 4-byte variable. From least significant to most significant byte, the data values are |
Hours (least significant byte) |
Minutes |
Seconds |
Frames (most significant byte) |
SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) time is an absolute time format expressed in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames. The standard SMPTE division types are 24, 25, and 30 frames per second. |
tfSMPTE25 |
25-frame SMPTE packs data into a 4-byte variable in the same order as 24-frame SMPTE. |
tfSMPTE30 |
30-frame SMPTE packs data into the 4-byte variable in the same order as 24-frame SMPTE. |
tfSMPTE30Drop |
30-drop-frame SMPTE packs data into the 4-byte variable in the same order as 24-frame SMPTE. |
tfBytes |
Bytes are stored as a 4-byte integer variable. |
tfSamples |
Samples are stored as a 4-byte integer variable. |
tfTMSF |
Tracks, minutes, seconds, and frames are packed in the 4-byte variable. From least significant to most significant byte, the data values are |
Tracks (least significant byte) |
Minutes |
Seconds |
Frames (most significant byte) |
Note that MCI uses continuous track numbering.
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