RAD Studio VCL Reference
Returns the SOAP representation of a remotable object.
function ObjInstanceToSOAP(Instance: TObject; RootNode: IXMLNode; ParentNode: IXMLNode; const NodeName: InvString; const NodeNamespace: InvString; ObjConvOpts: TObjectConvertOptions; out RefID: InvString): IXMLNode;
__fastcall IXMLNode ObjInstanceToSOAP(TObject * Instance, IXMLNode RootNode, IXMLNode ParentNode, const InvString NodeName, const InvString NodeNamespace, TObjectConvertOptions ObjConvOpts, InvString RefID);
ObjInstanceToSOAP adds a node to represent the value of a remotable object.
Instance is the remotable object to encode as its SOAP representation.
RootNode is an ancestor of the node to which information about the node can be added as attributes.
ParentNode is the node in the SOAP representation that should act as a parent to the node that ObjInstanceToSOAP generates.
NodeName is the name of the node that is generated.
NodeNamespace is the URI for the namespace in which NodeName is defined.
ObjConvOpts are flags that customize the way the node is serialized.
RefID returns a reference ID for the node. This is used if the node is multi-referenced.
ObjInstanceToSOAP returns the XML for the newly generated node.
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