RAD Studio VCL Reference
Reads all the key names from a specified section of an INI file into a string list.
procedure ReadSection(const Section: string; Strings: TStrings); override;
virtual __fastcall ReadSection(const AnsiString Section, TStrings Strings);
Call ReadSection to retrieve the names of all keys within a specified section of an INI file into a string list object.
Section identifies the section from which to retrieve a list of key names. Strings specifies the TStrings descendant to hold the retrieved names. Strings can point to a TStrings descendant such as a string list (TStringList), or to a component property that is of type TStrings, such as the Items property of TListBox.
This version of ReadSection is only available if the application is compiled for Windows. On Linux, ReadSection is inherited from TMemIniFile.
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