RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomIniFile is the base class for components that encapsulate access to .ini files and the Windows system registry.
TCustomIniFile = class(TObject);
class TCustomIniFile : public TObject;
C++ Examples:
/* This example demonstrates the usage of Ini files in order to store and load form configuration between sessions. Example assumes a RadioGroup and two buttons are present on the main form. */ void __fastcall TForm2::btStoreClick(TObject *Sender) { /* Open an instance */ TCustomIniFile* SettingsFile = OpenIniFileInstance(); // Store current form properties to be used in later sessions. try { SettingsFile->WriteInteger (Name, "Top", Top); SettingsFile->WriteInteger (Name, "Left", Left); SettingsFile->WriteInteger (Name, "Width", Width); SettingsFile->WriteInteger (Name, "Height", Height); SettingsFile->WriteString (Name, "Caption", Caption); SettingsFile->WriteBool (Name, "InitMax", WindowState == wsMaximized ); } catch(Exception* e) { } delete SettingsFile; } void __fastcall TForm2::btLoadClick(TObject *Sender) { /* Open an instance */ TCustomIniFile* SettingsFile = OpenIniFileInstance(); try { /* Read all saved values from the last session. The section name is the name of the form. Also use form's properties as defaults */ Top = SettingsFile->ReadInteger(Name, "Top", Top ); Left = SettingsFile->ReadInteger(Name, "Left", Left ); Width = SettingsFile->ReadInteger(Name, "Width", Width ); Height = SettingsFile->ReadInteger(Name, "Height", Height ); Caption = SettingsFile->ReadString (Name, "Caption", Caption); // Load last window state if (SettingsFile->ReadBool(Name, "InitMax", WindowState == wsMaximized)) WindowState = wsMaximized; else WindowState = wsNormal; } catch(Exception* e) { } delete SettingsFile; } TCustomIniFile* __fastcall TForm2::OpenIniFileInstance() { /* Open/create a new INI file that has the same name as our executable only with the INI extension. */ switch (RadioGroup1->ItemIndex) { case 0: /* Registry mode selected: in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\... */ return new TRegistryIniFile(String("Software\\") + Application->Title); case 1: /* Ini file mode selected */ return new TIniFile(ChangeFileExt(Application->ExeName, ".INI")); case 2: /* Memory based Ini file mode selected */ return new TMemIniFile(ChangeFileExt(Application->ExeName, ".INI")); } }
Delphi Examples:
{ This example demonstrates the use of Ini files in order to store and load form configurations between sessions. This example requires a RadioGroup and two buttons. } procedure TForm2.btLoadClick(Sender: TObject); var SettingsFile : TCustomIniFile; begin { Open an instance } SettingsFile := OpenIniFileInstance(); try { Read all saved values from the last session. The section name is the name of the form. Also use form's properties as defaults } Top := SettingsFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Top', Top ); Left := SettingsFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Left', Left ); Width := SettingsFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Width', Width ); Height := SettingsFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Height', Height ); Caption := SettingsFile.ReadString (Name, 'Caption', Caption); { Load last window state } case SettingsFile.ReadBool(Name, 'InitMax', WindowState = wsMaximized) of true : WindowState := wsMaximized; false: WindowState := wsNormal; end; finally SettingsFile.Free; end; end; procedure TForm2.btStoreClick(Sender: TObject); var SettingsFile: TCustomIniFile; begin { Open an instance } SettingsFile := OpenIniFileInstance(); { Store current form properties to be used in later sessions. } try SettingsFile.WriteInteger (Name, 'Top', Top); SettingsFile.WriteInteger (Name, 'Left', Left); SettingsFile.WriteInteger (Name, 'Width', Width); SettingsFile.WriteInteger (Name, 'Height', Height); SettingsFile.WriteString (Name, 'Caption', Caption); SettingsFile.WriteBool (Name, 'InitMax', WindowState = wsMaximized ); SettingsFile.WriteDateTime(Name, 'LastRun', Now); finally SettingsFile.Free; end; end; function TForm2.OpenIniFileInstance: TCustomIniFile; begin { Open/create a new INI file that has the same name as our executable only with the INI extension. } case RadioGroup1.ItemIndex of 0: begin { Registry mode selected: in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\... } Result := TRegistryIniFile.Create('Software\' + Application.Title); end; 1: begin { Ini file mode selected } Result := TIniFile.Create(ChangeFileExt(Application.ExeName, '.INI')); end; 2: begin { Memory based Ini file mode selected } Result := TMemIniFile.Create(ChangeFileExt(Application.ExeName, '.INI')); end; end; end;
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