TMainOption and TMainOptions identify the main InterBase components.
TMainOption = ( moServer, moClient, moConServer, moGuiTools, moDocumentation, moDevelopment );
enum TMainOption { moServer, moClient, moConServer, moGuiTools, moDocumentation, moDevelopment };
TMainOption indicates one of the main InterBase components. TMainOptions is a set of TMainOption values that indicates the components that are installed. The following table lists the TMainOption values:
Value Meaning
moServer Server component, including: the server, license file (if present), message file, the Guardian, server configuration tool, the database information tools, UDF library, International character set library, and help files (Windows only).
moClient Client component, including the client library, license file, and message file.
moConServer Connectivity server, for future implementation.
moGuiTools Graphical interface tools, including IBConsole.
moDocumentation Documentation, including PDF files and indexes.
moDevelopment Development tools, including gpre, the import libraries, and the header files.
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