RAD Studio VCL Reference
Fetches specified metadata from the InterBase server and writes it to the Items property.
procedure ExtractObject(ObjectType: TExtractObjectTypes; ObjectName: String = ''; ExtractTypes: TExtractTypes = []);
__fastcall ExtractObject(TExtractObjectTypes ObjectType, AnsiString ObjectName = '', TExtractTypes ExtractTypes = []);
Call ExtractObject to fetch metadata from the database specified by the Database property and write it to the Items property.
ObjectType indicates the desired type of metadata. Its meaning is modified by the ObjectName and ExtractTypes parameters, as indicated in the following table:
Value Meaning
eoDatabase Lists all objects defined on the database. This is the list that would be fetched by calling ExtractObject for each of the other object types in turn (plus the create database command that is supported), with no limits placed by the ObjectName and ExtractTypes parameters.
eoDomain Lists all domains. If ExtractTypes includes etTable, this list includes only domains for the table specified by ObjectName.
eoTable If ObjectName is an empty string, lists all the tables defined on the server. If ObjectName is non-empty, lists all the columns and types of the table named by ObjectName, plus any information specified by ExtractTypes that pertains to that table. This can include domains (etDomain), indexes (etIndex), foreign key constrains (etForeign), check constrains (etCheck), triggers (etTrigger), user permissions (etGrant), and data (etData).
eoView If ObjectName is an empty string, lists the text of all views. Otherwise, lists the text of the view named by the ObjectName parameter.
eoProcedure If ObjectName is an empty string, lists all the stored procedures. Otherwise, lists the text of the stored procedure named by the ObjectName parameter. To handle the situation where procedures reference each other, ExtractObject creates dummy procedures of the correct name and then alters these to their correct form. If ExtractTypes includes etAlterProc, only the corrected form is fetched.
eoFunction Lists all external functions. If ObjectName is non-empty, the list is filtered to include only those functions that match the specified name.
eoGenerator Lists all non-system generators. If ObjectName is non-empty, the list is filtered to include only those generators that match the specified name.
eoException Lists all exceptions that the database defines. If ObjectName is non-empty, the list is filtered to include only those exceptions that match the specified name.
eoBLOBFilter Lists all blob filters. If ObjectName is non-empty, the list is filtered to include only those filters whose function name matches the specified name.
eoRole Lists all roles. If ObjectName is non-empty, the list is filtered to include only those roles whose name matches the specified string.
eoTrigger If ExtractTypes includes etTable, lists all triggers defined for the table specified by ObjectName. Otherwise, lists all triggers or, if ObjectName is nonempty, all triggers that match the string specified by ObjectName.
eoForeign If ExtractTypes includes etTable, lists all foreign key constraints that pertain to the table specified by ObjectName. Otherwise, list all foreign key constraints, or, if ObjectName is nonempty, all foreign key constraints that have a name that matches ObjectName.
eoIndexes If ExtractTypes includes etTable, lists all indexes defined on the table specified by ObjectName. Otherwise, lists all indexes, or, if ObjectName is nonempty, all indexes that have a name that matches ObjectName.
eoChecks If ExtractTypes includes etTable, lists all non-foreign check constraints on the table specified by ObjectName. Otherwise, lists all non-foreign check constraints, or, if ObjectName is nonempty, all check constraints that have a name that matches ObjectName.
eoData Lists all the data in the object named by the ObjectName parameter.
ObjectName specifies the name of an object (such as a table or stored procedure) about which you want information. The type of this object and the way it limits the fetched information depends on the values of ObjectType and ExtractTypes.
ExtractTypes modifies the interpretation of ObjectType, to filter the type of information fetched.
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