RAD Studio VCL Reference
Specifies the index of the column that contains the selected cell.
property Col: Longint;
__property Longint Col;
Use Col at runtime to determine the current column in the grid. Setting Col moves focus to the cell in the current row that is in the new column. The first column has an index of 0, the second column an index of 1, and so on.
The selected cell in the grid can be located by reading the Col property and the Row property to obtain the indexes of its column and row. When focus moves to the grid, the selected cell gets input focus.
C++ Examples:
/* The following code uses the bitmaps in an image list component to draw the contents of each cell in a draw grid. It uses a draw grid with a label above it on a form. When the user clicks a cell in the grid, the location of the cursor is displayed in the label caption. This example requires a populated image list, or can just display an empty grid. */ void __fastcall TForm1::DrawGrid1Click(TObject *Sender) { Label1->Caption = "From OnClick: The cursor is in column " + IntToStr(DrawGrid1->Col + 1) + ", row " + IntToStr(DrawGrid1->Row + 1); } void __fastcall TForm1::DrawGrid1DrawCell(TObject *Sender, int ACol, int ARow, TRect &Rect, TGridDrawState State) { int index = ARow * DrawGrid1->ColCount + ACol; DrawGrid1->Canvas->Brush->Color = clBackground; DrawGrid1->Canvas->FillRect(Rect); ImageList1->Draw(DrawGrid1->Canvas, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, index, True); if (State.Contains(gdFocused)) { DrawGrid1->Canvas->DrawFocusRect(Rect); Label2->Caption = "From OnDrawCell: Cell " + IntToStr(index) + " has the focus."; } } void __fastcall TForm1::DrawGrid1SelectCell(TObject *Sender, int ACol, int ARow, bool &CanSelect) { CanSelect = True; }
Delphi Examples:
{ The following code uses the bitmaps in an image list component to draw the contents of each cell in a draw grid. It uses a draw grid with a label above it on a form. When the user clicks a cell in the grid, the location of the cursor is displayed in the label caption. This example requires a populated image list, or can just display an empty grid. } procedure TForm1.DrawGrid1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Label1.Caption := 'From OnClick: The cursor is in column ' + IntToStr(DrawGrid1.Col + 1) + ', row ' + IntToStr(DrawGrid1.Row + 1); end; procedure TForm1.DrawGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); var index: Integer; begin index := ARow * DrawGrid1.ColCount + ACol; DrawGrid1.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBackground; DrawGrid1.Canvas.FillRect(Rect); ImageList1.Draw(DrawGrid1.Canvas,Rect.Left,Rect.Top,index, True); if (gdFocused in State) then begin DrawGrid1.Canvas.DrawFocusRect(Rect); Label2.Caption:= 'From OnDrawCell: Cell ' + InttoStr(index) + ' has the focus.'; end; end; procedure TForm1.DrawGrid1SelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean); begin CanSelect:= True; end;
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