RAD Studio VCL Reference
Generate OnProgress event when graphic is changing.
procedure Progress(Sender: TObject; Stage: TProgressStage; PercentDone: Byte; RedrawNow: Boolean; const R: TRect; const Msg: string); dynamic;
__fastcall Progress(TObject * Sender, TProgressStage Stage, Byte PercentDone, Boolean RedrawNow, const TRect R, const AnsiString Msg);
Progress generates an OnProgress event when the graphic is in the process of changing.
For certain descendants of TGraphic, OnProgress occurs during slow processes such as loading, storing, or transforming image data. OnProgress allows applications to provide feedback to the user about the progress of the process.
Component writers can generate OnProgress events for new descendants of TGraphic by calling the protected Progress method. These events are propagated to the TPicture and TImage objects.
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