RAD Studio VCL Reference
Returns the width, in pixels, of a string rendered in the current font.
function TextWidth(const Text: string): Integer;
__fastcall int TextWidth(const AnsiString Text);
Use TextWidth to determine the length a string will occupy in the image. TextWidth indicates whether a given string will fit in the available space. Other graphical elements in the image such as lines, or additional strings can be positioned to accommodate the width of the text.
TextWidth returns the same value as TextExtent(Text).cx.
C++ Examples:
/* This project requires a TPageControl and several TTabPages. To add new pages, right-click the TPageControl and select New Page. During the form creation the width and height of all tabs on the Page Control becomes double the largest previous value. So if there are three tabs with captions that are 12, 23, and 19 characters long, the TabWidth would be the number of pixels required to fit 46 characters. */ void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { for (int i = 0; i < PageControl1->PageCount; i++) { AnsiString s = PageControl1->Pages[i]->Caption; if (Canvas->TextWidth(s) * 2 > PageControl1->TabWidth) PageControl1->TabWidth = Canvas->TextWidth(s) * 2; if (Canvas->TextHeight(s) * 2 > PageControl1->TabHeight) PageControl1->TabHeight = Canvas->TextHeight(s) * 2; } }
Delphi Examples:
{ This project requires a TPageControl and several TTabPages. To add new pages, right-click the TPageControl and select New Page. During the form creation the width and height of all tabs on the Page Control becomes double the largest previous value. So if there are three tabs with captions that are 12, 23, and 19 characters long, the TabWidth would be the number of pixels required to fit 46 characters. } procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; begin with PageControl1 do begin for i := 0 to PageCount - 1 do begin if (Canvas.TextWidth(Pages[i].Caption) * 2) > TabWidth then TabWidth := Canvas.TextWidth(Pages[i].Caption) * 2; if (Canvas.TextHeight(Pages[i].Caption) * 2) > TabHeight then TabHeight := Canvas.TextHeight(Pages[i].Caption) * 2; end; end; end;
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