RAD Studio VCL Reference
TEqualityComparison defines a generic callback function used to check the quality of two generic values.
TEqualityComparison<T> = reference to function(const Left, Right: T): Boolean;
reference to function(const Left, Right: T): Boolean TEqualityComparison;
TEqualityComparison represents any routine capable of checking the equality of two values of the same type.
TEqualityComparison is primarily used together with the TDelegatedEqualityComparer class.
Delphi Examples:
{ This example demonstrates the usage of TDelegatedEqualityComparer and anonymous methods in order to create a custom comparer. The example assumes two memos and a button are present on the form. } procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Dictionary: TDictionary<String, Cardinal>; Comparer: IEqualityComparer<String>; I: Integer; AString: String; begin { Create a new delegated comparer. We will use anonymous methods } Comparer := TDelegatedEqualityComparer<String>.Create( { TEqualityComparison<String> } function(const Left, Right: String): Boolean begin { Make a case insensitive comparison } Result := CompareText(Left, Right) = 0; end, { THasher<String> } function(const Value: String): Integer begin { Generate a hash code. Simply return the length of the string as its hash code } Result := Length(Value); end); { Create a new dictionary of string/cardinal } Dictionary := TDictionary<String, Cardinal>.Create(Comparer); { Populate the dictionary with strings in the memo } for I := 0 to InMemo.Lines.Count - 1 do begin { Get the list from the memo } AString := InMemo.Lines[I]; { If the string is already in the dictionary, increase its count by one. Otherwise add it with one by default. } if Dictionary.ContainsKey(AString) then Dictionary[AString] := Dictionary[AString] + 1 else Dictionary.Add(InMemo.Lines[I], 1); end; { Copy the list with numbers to the memo } OutMemo.Clear; { Now populate the out memo with string and the number of times it was present in the initial memo} for AString in Dictionary.Keys do OutMemo.Lines.Add(AString + ':' + UIntToStr(Dictionary[AString])); { Free resources } Dictionary.Free(); end;
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