RAD Studio VCL Reference
IComparer is the generic interface for comparing two values of the same type.
IComparer<T> = interface;
template <T> __interface IComparer;
The IComparer interface is implemented by classes that work as comparers for two values of the same type. Generic collections require instances of classes that implement the IComparer interface, in order to provide support for custom data types.
Delphi Examples:
{ This example demonstrates the usage of TDelegatedComparer and anonymous methods in order to create a custom comparer. The example assumes two memos and a button are present on the form. } procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var List: TList<String>; Comparer: IComparer<String>; I: Integer; begin { Create a new delegated comparer. We will use anonymous methods } Comparer := TDelegatedComparer<String>.Create( { TComparison<String> } function(const Left, Right: String): Integer begin { Consider the strings as numbers and return } { a comparison between them } Result := StrToInt(Left) - StrToInt(Right); end); { Create a new list of strings } List := TList<String>.Create(Comparer); { Populate the list with numbers in the memo } for I := 0 to InMemo.Lines.Count - 1 do List.Add(InMemo.Lines[I]); { Sort the list } List.Sort(); { Copy the list with numbers to the memo } OutMemo.Clear; for I := 0 to List.Count - 1 do OutMemo.Lines.Add(List[I]); { Free resources } List.Free(); end;
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