Represents a screen device.
Screen: TScreen;
TScreen Screen;
The Screen variable is a TScreen component that represents the screen of the system on which the application runs. By default, applications create a screen component based on information about the current screen device and assign it to Screen.
C++ Examples:
/* The following code determines the height of all forms on the screen and resizes any that are taller than the screen height. */ void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { for (int i = 0; i < Screen->FormCount; i++) { if (Screen->Forms[i]->Top < 0) { Screen->Forms[i]->Height += Screen->Forms[i]->Top; Screen->Forms[i]->Top = 0; } if (Screen->Forms[i]->Left < 0) { Screen->Forms[i]->Width += Screen->Forms[i]->Left; Screen->Forms[i]->Left = 0; } if (Screen->Forms[i]->Left + Screen->Forms[i]->Width > Screen->Width) Screen->Forms[i]->Width = Screen->Width - Screen->Forms[i]->Left; if (Screen->Forms[i]->Top + Screen->Forms[i]->Height > Screen->Height) Screen->Forms[i]->Height = Screen->Height - Screen->Forms[i]->Top; } }
Delphi Examples:
{ The following code determines the height of all forms on the screen and resizes any that are taller than the screen height. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin with Screen do for I := 0 to FormCount-1 do begin if Forms[I].Top < 0 then begin Forms[I].Height := Forms[I].Height + Forms[I].Top; Forms[I].Top := 0; end; if Forms[I].Left < 0 then begin Forms[I].Width := Forms[I].Width + Forms[I].Left; Forms[I].Left := 0; end; if Forms[I].Left + Forms[I].Width > Width then Forms[I].Width := Width - Forms[I].Left; if Forms[I].Top + Forms[I].Height > Height then Forms[I].Height := Height - Forms[I].Top; end; end;
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