RAD Studio VCL Reference
procedure VarFMTBcdCreate(var ADest: Variant; const ABcd: TBcd); overload; function VarFMTBcdCreate: Variant; overload; function VarFMTBcdCreate(const AValue: string; Precision: Word; Scale: Word): Variant; overload; function VarFMTBcdCreate(const AValue: Double; Precision: Word = 18; Scale: Word = 4): Variant; overload; function VarFMTBcdCreate(const ABcd: TBcd): Variant; overload;
Call VarBcdCreate to obtain a Variant that stores its value as a TBcd value.
Using the first syntax, the Variant returned as aDest has the same value as ABcd.
Using the second syntax (passing no arguments), the returned Variant has a value of NullBcd.
Using the third syntax, the returned Variant has the same value as ABcd.
Using the fourth syntax, the returned Variant converts AValue (if necessary) to extract the value.
Using the remaining syntaxes, the AValue parameter is converted into a TBcd value with the specified Precision and Scale and the result is the value of the Variant.
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