RAD Studio VCL Reference
Returns the coordinates of the reserved area of the dialog box.
function GetStaticRect: TRect; virtual;
virtual __fastcall TRect GetStaticRect();
GetStaticRect is provided for components that descend from TOpenDialog and require the placement of new controls alongside the standard ones inherited from the parent class. For Explorer-style dialogs, GetStaticRect returns the size and location of the standard controls within the dialog. For older versions of Windows, or if ofOldStyleDialog is enabled in Options, GetStaticRect returns the client dimensions of the entire dialog box.
C++ Examples:
/* The following example is taken from TOpenPictureDialog. It calculates the preview rectangle based on the difference between the client area of the dialog and the static area of the standard controls. */ #include <ExtDlgs.hpp> class MyOpenPictureDialog : public TOpenPictureDialog { private: // User declarations TPanel *FPicturePanel; // can't use the private versions in TOpenPictureDialog TLabel *FPictureLabel; TSpeedButton *FPreviewButton; TPanel *FPaintPanel; TImage *FImageCtrl; AnsiString FSavedFilename; protected: // User declarations DYNAMIC void __fastcall DoShow(void); public: // User declarations __fastcall MyOpenPictureDialog(TComponent* Owner); virtual bool __fastcall Execute(HWND ParentWnd){ return TOpenDialog::Execute(ParentWnd); } }; __fastcall MyOpenPictureDialog::MyOpenPictureDialog(TComponent* Owner) : TOpenPictureDialog(Owner) { } #include <memory> //for STL auto_ptr class void __fastcall MyOpenPictureDialog::DoShow(void) { // RECT *PreviewRect = new RECT(); std::auto_ptr<RECT> PreviewRect(new RECT()); TRect StaticRect; FPicturePanel = new TPanel(this); // the owner will clean this up FPictureLabel = new TLabel(this); // the owner will clean this up FPreviewButton = new TSpeedButton(this); // the owner will clean this up FPaintPanel = new TPanel(this); // the owner will clean this up FImageCtrl = new TImage(this); // the owner will clean this up // Set preview area to entire dialog GetClientRect(Handle, PreviewRect.get()); StaticRect = GetStaticRect(); // Move preview area to right of static area PreviewRect->left = StaticRect.Left + (StaticRect.Right - StaticRect.Left); PreviewRect->top += 4; FPicturePanel->BoundsRect.Left = PreviewRect->left; FPicturePanel->BoundsRect.Right = PreviewRect->right; FPicturePanel->BoundsRect.Top = PreviewRect->top; FPicturePanel->BoundsRect.Bottom = PreviewRect->bottom; FPreviewButton->Left = FPaintPanel->BoundsRect.Right - FPreviewButton->Width - 2; FImageCtrl->Picture = NULL; FSavedFilename = ""; FPaintPanel->Caption = ""; FPicturePanel->ParentWindow = Handle; // TOpenDialog::DoShow(); // the above code is equivalent to the inherited version } TForm1 *Form1; MyOpenPictureDialog *OpenPictureDialog1; void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { if (OpenPictureDialog1->Execute(GetParentHandle())) Image1->Picture->LoadFromFile(OpenPictureDialog1->FileName); } void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { OpenPictureDialog1 = new MyOpenPictureDialog(Form1); // the owner will clean this up }
Delphi Examples:
{ The following example overrides the TOpenPictureDialog.DoShow method and implements it here. DoShow calculates the preview rectangle based on the difference between the client area of the dialog and the static area of the standard controls. } type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Image1: TImage; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; MyOpenPictureDialog = class(TOpenPictureDialog) private FPicturePanel: TPanel; // can't use the private versions in TOpenPictureDialog FPictureLabel: TLabel; FPreviewButton: TSpeedButton; FPaintPanel: TPanel; FImageCtrl: TImage; FSavedFilename: string; public { Public declarations } protected procedure DoShow; override; end; var Form1: TForm1; OpenPictureDialog1: MyOpenPictureDialog; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure MyOpenPictureDialog.DoShow; var PreviewRect, StaticRect: TRect; begin FPicturePanel:= TPanel.Create(Self); FPictureLabel:= TLabel.Create(Self); FPreviewButton:= TSpeedButton.Create(Self); FPaintPanel:= TPanel.Create(Self); FImageCtrl:= TImage.Create(Self); // Set preview area to entire dialog GetClientRect(Handle, PreviewRect); StaticRect := GetStaticRect; // Move preview area to right of static area PreviewRect.Left := StaticRect.Left + (StaticRect.Right - StaticRect.Left); Inc(PreviewRect.Top, 4); FPicturePanel.BoundsRect := PreviewRect; FPreviewButton.Left := FPaintPanel.BoundsRect.Right - FPreviewButton.Width - 2; FImageCtrl.Picture := nil; FSavedFilename := ''; FPaintPanel.Caption := ''; FPicturePanel.ParentWindow := Handle; // TCommonDialog.DoShow; // this is the one TOpenPictureDialog.DoShow calls end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if OpenPictureDialog1.Execute then Image1.Picture.LoadFromFile(OpenPictureDialog1.FileName); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin OpenPictureDialog1:= MyOpenPictureDialog.Create(Form1); // OpenPictureDialog1.Parent:= Form1; // OpenPictureDialog1.visible := false; end;
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