RAD Studio VCL Reference
Creates a new index definition object and adds it to the Items property.
function AddIndexDef: TIndexDef;
__fastcall TIndexDef AddIndexDef();
Call AddIndexDef to add index definitions when creating a database table. AddIndexDef returns the new TIndexDef object that was added to the IndexDefs collection of index definitions. After calling AddIndexDef, set the properties of the newly added TIndexDef object to specify the name, type, and options of index that will be created.
C++ Examples:
/* The following code creates and activates a client dataset in the form’s OnCreate event handler. */ void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { TFieldDefs *pDefs = CDS2->FieldDefs; TFieldDef *pDef = pDefs->AddFieldDef(); pDef->DataType = ftInteger; pDef->Name = "Field1"; pDef = pDefs->AddFieldDef(); pDef->DataType = ftString; pDef->Size = 10; pDef->Name = "Field2"; TIndexDef *pIDef = CDS2->IndexDefs->AddIndexDef(); pIDef->Fields = "Field1"; pIDef->Name = "IntIndex"; CDS2->CreateDataSet(); }
Delphi Examples:
{ The following code creates and activates a client dataset in the form’s OnCreate event handler. } procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with CDS2 do begin with FieldDefs.AddFieldDef do begin DataType := ftInteger; Name := 'Field1'; end; with FieldDefs.AddFieldDef do begin DataType := ftString; Size := 10; Name := 'Field2'; end; with IndexDefs.AddIndexDef do begin Fields := 'Field1'; Name := 'IntIndex'; end; CreateDataSet; end; end;
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