RAD Studio VCL Reference
Indicates the name of the physical column in the underlying table or query result to which a field component is bound.
property FieldName: string;
__property AnsiString FieldName;
When creating a field component, the TFieldDef object uses FieldName to specify which field in the underlying dataset the field component represents. FieldName is used when displaying references to the field to users, unless a DisplayLabel has been set. For calculated fields, supply a FieldName when defining the field. For non-calculated fields, an EDatabaseError exception is raised if FieldName is not a column name in the underlying table.
Delphi Examples:
{ This example displays a message box with the names of all fields in a table. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; Info: String; begin Info := 'The fields of table ' + Table1.TableName + ' are:'#13#10#13#10; for i := 0 to Table1.FieldCount - 1 do Info := Info + Table1.Fields[i].FieldName + #13#10; ShowMessage(Info); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Table1:= TTable.Create(Form1); with Table1 do begin DatabaseName := 'DBDEMOS'; TableType := ttParadox; TableName := 'CustInfo'; Table1.Active := False; { Don't overwrite an existing table } if not Table1.Exists then begin { The Table component must not be active } { First, describe the type of table and give } { it a name } { Next, describe the fields in the table } with FieldDefs do begin Clear; with AddFieldDef do begin Name := 'Field1'; DataType := ftInteger; Required := True; end; with AddFieldDef do begin Name := 'Field2'; DataType := ftString; Size := 30; end; end; { Next, describe any indexes } with IndexDefs do begin Clear; { The 1st index has no name because it is { a Paradox primary key } with AddIndexDef do begin Name := ''; Fields := 'Field1'; Options := [ixPrimary]; end; with AddIndexDef do begin Name := 'Fld2Indx'; Fields := 'Field2'; Options := [ixCaseInsensitive]; end; end; { Call the CreateTable method to create the table } CreateTable; end; end; DS2.DataSet:= Table1; DBGrid2.DataSource.DataSet:= Table1; Table1.Active:= True; end;
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