RAD Studio VCL Reference
Use AssignValue to assign a value to a field and, in Delphi, that comes from an array of const. AssignValue uses an As property for the assignment based on the type of the Value parameter:
If Value is not one of the types in the table, but is of type TObject or a TObject descendant, AssignValue uses the Assign method to assign the value to the field.
AssignValue exists primarily for internal use. In C++ applications and components, use the TField::Value property instead. In most Delphi situations, you should use the data type-specific assignment properties like AsString and AsInteger. In cases where a component or an application must be able to make field assignments from untyped arrays, the syntax for AssignValue looks like that below. In this example, a custom data class uses AssignValue in a member method named SetFieldValues to assign values to multiple fields. The values for the field assignments come from an untyped array.
procedure TCustomDataClass.SetFieldValues(Values: array of const); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to High(Values) do Fields[i].AssignValue(Values[i]); end;
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