RAD Studio VCL Reference
Interface datasets use to enable providers to represent them with Unicode support.
IProviderSupport2 = interface;
__interface IProviderSupport2;
IProviderSupport2 is similar to IProviderSupport but provides Unicode support.
TWideDataSet uses the IProviderSupport2 interface to interact with its associated dataset. Any dataset that implements the IProviderSupport2 interface can be connected to a client dataset or XML broker via a provider.
The TWideDataSet class extends TDataSet to support the Unicode string type. TWideDataSet inherits the behavior of TDataSet and TDataSet's IProviderSupport interface, and TWideDataSet supports IProviderSupport2.
BDE does not support a Unicode type, so TTable and TQuery are derived from TDataSet. However, TADODataSet and TSQLDataSet (dbExpress) derive from TWideDataSet, because ADO and dbExpress need to support Unicode data.
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