RAD Studio VCL Reference
Sets the starting and ending values of a range, and applies it.
procedure SetRange(const StartValues: array of const; const EndValues: array of const);
__fastcall SetRange(const array of const StartValues, const array of const EndValues);
Call SetRange to specify a range and apply it to the dataset. The new range replaces the currently applied range, if any.
StartValues indicates the field values that designate the first record in the range. StartValues_Size specifies the index of the last value in StartValues (one less than the total number of values).
EndValues indicates the field values that designate the last record in the range. EndValues_Size specifies the index of the last value in EndValues (one less than the total number of values).
SetRange combines the functionality of SetRangeStart, SetRangeEnd, and ApplyRange in a single procedure call. SetRange performs the following functions:
1Puts the dataset into dsSetKey state.
2Erases any previously specified starting range values and ending range values.
3Sets the start and end range values.
4Applies the range to the dataset.
If either StartValues or EndValues has fewer elements than the number of fields in the current index, then the remaining entries are set to NULL.
After a call to SetRange, the cursor is left on the first record in the range.
Delphi Examples:
{ The following example sets a range for a dataset. The form requires two edit boxes, a data source, a client dataset or table, a db grid, and a button. Make sure that the Table1 info in FormActivate agrees with the table used. Also, the caption for the button must be initialized to '&ApplyRange'. } procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin Table1.DatabaseName := 'DBDEMOS'; Table1.TableName := 'CustInfo'; Table1.Active := True; Table1.IndexName := ''; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin if Button2.Caption = '&Apply Range' then begin Table1.SetRange([Edit1.Text],[Edit2.Text]); Button2.Caption := '&Drop Range'; end else begin Table1.CancelRange; Table1.Refresh; Button2.Caption := '&Apply Range'; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; begin Table1:= TTable.Create(Form1); with Table1 do begin DatabaseName := 'DBDEMOS'; TableType := ttParadox; TableName := 'CustInfo'; Table1.Active := False; { Don't overwrite an existing table } if Table1.Exists then MessageDlg('CustInfo table already exists.', mtWarning, [mbOK], 0) else begin { The Table component must not be active } { First, describe the type of table and give } { it a name } { Next, describe the fields in the table } with FieldDefs do begin Clear; with AddFieldDef do begin Name := 'Field1'; DataType := ftInteger; Required := True; end; with AddFieldDef do begin Name := 'Field2'; DataType := ftString; Size := 30; end; end; { Next, describe any indexes } with IndexDefs do begin Clear; { The 1st index has no name because it is { a Paradox primary key } with AddIndexDef do begin Name := ''; Fields := 'Field1'; Options := [ixPrimary]; end; with AddIndexDef do begin Name := 'Fld2Indx'; Fields := 'Field2'; Options := [ixCaseInsensitive]; end; end; { Call the CreateTable method to create the table } CreateTable; Table1.Active:= True; for i := 1 to 20 do Table1.AppendRecord([i*111, i*222]); end; end; DS2.DataSet:= Table1; DBGrid2.DataSource.DataSet:= Table1; Table1.Active:= False; end;
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