RAD Studio VCL Reference
Adds a new string to the list.
function Add(const S: string): Integer; override;
virtual __fastcall int Add(const AnsiString S);
Call Add to add the string S to the list. If the list is sorted, S is added to the appropriate position in the sort order. If the list is not sorted, S is added to the end of the list. Add returns the position of the item in the list, where the first item in the list has a value of 0.
C++ Examples:
/* This example uses a list box and a label on a form. When the application runs, a string list object is created and three strings are added to it. The Find method searches the strings to look for a match with the string ‘Flowers’. If the string is found, all the strings in the string list are added to the list box, and the index value of the ‘Flowers’ string appears in the caption of the label control. */ #include <memory> //for STL auto_ptr class void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { int Index; std::auto_ptr<TStringList> MyList(new TStringList()); MyList->Add("Animals"); MyList->Add("Flowers"); MyList->Add("Ocean"); MyList->Sort(); // Find will only work on sorted lists if (MyList->Find("Flowers", Index)) { ListBox1->Items->AddStrings(MyList.get()); Label1->Caption = "Flowers has an index value of " + AnsiString(Index); } }
/* This example creates a stringlist, adds elements to it and assigns the strings to items of a combo box. */ #include <memory> //for STL auto_ptr class void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { std::auto_ptr<TStrings> StringList(new TStringList()); StringList->Add("This example uses A string List. "); StringList->Add("It is the easiest way to add strings"); StringList->Add("to a combobox's list of strings. "); StringList->Add("Always remember TStrings is abstract,"); StringList->Add("So create a TStringList instead."); ComboBox1->Width = 210; ComboBox1->Items->Assign(StringList.get()); ComboBox1->ItemIndex = 0; }
Delphi Examples:
{ This example uses a list box and a label on a form. When the application runs, a string list object is created and three strings are added to it. The Find method searches the strings to look for a match with the string ‘Flowers’. If the string is found, all the strings in the string list are added to the list box, and the index value of the ‘Flowers’ string appears in the caption of the label control. } procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var MyList: TStringList; Index: Integer; begin MyList := TStringList.Create; try MyList.Add('Animals'); MyList.Add('Flowers'); MyList.Add('Cars'); MyList.Sort; { Find will only work on sorted lists! } if MyList.Find('Flowers', Index) then begin ListBox1.Items.AddStrings(MyList); Label1.Caption := 'Flowers has an index value of ' + IntToStr(Index); end; finally MyList.Free; end; end;
{ This example creates a stringlist, adds elements to it and assigns the strings to items of a combo box. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var StringList: TStringList; begin StringList := TStringList.Create; try with StringList do begin Add('This example uses A string List.'); Add('It is the easiest way to add strings'); Add('to a combobox''s list of strings.'); Add('Always remember TStrings.Create method'); Add('is abstract; So use TStringList.Create'); Add('method instead.'); end; with ComboBox1 do begin Width := 210; Items.Assign(StringList); ItemIndex := 0; end; finally StringList.free; end; end;
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