RAD Studio VCL Reference
DBLogDlg.LoginDialog Function

Brings up the database Login dialog to allow the user to connect to a database server.

function LoginDialog(const ADatabaseName: string; var AUserName: string; var APassword: string): Boolean;
Boolean LoginDialog(const AnsiString ADatabaseName, AnsiString AUserName, AnsiString APassword);

Call LoginDialog to bring up the standard Login dialog box to prompt the user for a valid user name and password. The ADatabaseName parameter specifies the database for which access is being requested. The dialog returns the user name and password as the AUserName and APassword parameters.

Note: When building cross-platform applications in C++, add QDBLogDlg.pas unit (instead of DBLogDlg) to your project if you want the default Database Login dialog to display at runtime. QDBLogDlg does not need to be included if your C++ application includes a DBGrid component.
LoginDialog returns false if the user cancels out of the dialog. If LoginDialog returns true, the application can attempt to connect to the database server using the supplied user name and password.
Note: If the user should not be permitted to change the user name from within the login dialog, use the LoginDialogEx function.

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