RAD Studio VCL Reference
Writes name/value pairs that represent a specified type of information.
procedure EncodeActionParamsFlags(AParams: IAdapterItemRequestParams; AOptions: TDataSetAdapterRequestParamOptions);
__fastcall EncodeActionParamsFlags(IAdapterItemRequestParams AParams, TDataSetAdapterRequestParamOptions AOptions);
This method assembles the parameters (name/value pairs) that the adapter needs to add to an HTML form to perform the task indicated by the AOptions parameter.
AParams is the interface for an object to which the adapter writes parameter values.
AOptions indicates the type of parameters to add to AParams.
When AOptions includes poLocateParams, EncodeActionParamsFlags adds a set of name/value pairs that represent dataset fields and their current values. This set of parameters describe the values of all fields in the index that can be used to locate the current record.
When AOptions includes poCurrentPage, EncodeActionParamsFlags adds a parameter for the current page number.
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