RAD Studio VCL Reference
Provides the underlying implementation for the WebImageHREF method.
function ImplWebImageHREF(var AHREF: string): Boolean; virtual;
virtual __fastcall Boolean ImplWebImageHREF(AnsiString AHREF);
The WebImageHREF method calls ImplWebImageHREF to obtain the URL for an external image file that contains the value of this field.
AHREF returns the URL that identifies the image of this field.
ImplWebImageHREF returns true if it supplies a URL as the value of the AHREF parameter, false if the HTML form must request images using a set of request parameters instead.
In TCustomDataSetAdapterImageField, ImplWebImageHREF returns a default image at design time. At runtime, this method generates an OnGetHREF event, so that you can specify a URL in an event handler.
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