RAD Studio VCL Reference
Returns an interface that can be used to access the Image property of this adapter field.
function GetAdapterImage: TComponent;
__fastcall TComponent * GetAdapterImage();
GetAdapterImage provides the implementation of the Image property on this adapter field. This method is called automatically when server-side script references the Image property. The resulting interface can then be used to obtain the value of the image.
GetAdapterImage checks the Mode property of the parent adapter for this field. If the parent dataset adapter is in insert mode or query mode, GetAdapterImage returns nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++), because there is no current value to the image field (it does not currently represent the value of a graphic field in the adapter's dataset). Otherwise, GetAdapterImage returns self (Delphi) or this (C++), so that the WebSnap application can obtain the current image for this field.
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