RAD Studio VCL Reference
Lists the individual nodes that appear in the tree view control.
property Items: TTreeNodes;
__property TTreeNodes Items;
Individual nodes in a tree view are TTreeNode objects. These individual nodes can be accessed by using the Items property along with the item's index into the tree view. For example, to access the second item in the tree view, you could use the following code.
MyTreeNode := TreeView1.Items[1];
MyTreeNode = TreeView1->Items[1];
When setting this property at design-time in the Object Inspector the Tree View Items Editor appears. Use the New Item and New SubItem buttons to add items to the tree view. Use the Text property to modify what text is displayed in the label of the item.
At run-time nodes can be added and inserted by using the TTreeNodes methods AddChildFirst, AddChild, AddChildObjectFirst, AddChildObject, AddFirst, Add, AddObjectFirst, AddObject, and Insert.
C++ Examples:
/* The following example deletes an item in the tree view when the user clicks on it, and if the checkbox is checked. This example requires a populated TreeView. */ void __fastcall TForm1::TVMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y) { THitTests HT; if (CheckBox1->Checked && Sender->ClassNameIs("TTreeView")) { TTreeView *pTV = dynamic_cast<TTreeView *>(Sender); HT = pTV->GetHitTestInfoAt(X,Y); if (HT.Contains(htOnItem)) pTV->Items->Delete(pTV->GetNodeAt(X,Y)); } }
Delphi Examples:
{ The following example deletes an item in the tree view when the user clicks on it, and if the checkbox is checked. This example requires a populated TreeView. } procedure TForm1.TVMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var HT : THitTests; begin if (CheckBox1.Checked) and (Sender is TTreeView) then begin with Sender as TTreeView do begin HT := GetHitTestInfoAt(X,Y); if (htOnItem in HT) then Items.Delete(GetNodeAt(X,Y)); end; end; end;
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