RAD Studio VCL Reference
Contains the list of text strings that label the tabs of the tab control.
property Tabs: TStrings;
__property TStrings Tabs;
Tabs contains a list of strings that label the tabs in the tab control. Tabs can also contain objects associated with the labels, using the TStrings Objects property. Add new strings to the Tabs property to add new tabs to the tab control. Rearrange the list to rearrange the tabs.
C++ Examples:
/* This example uses a tab control to display the contents of several files. To run the example, place a tab control on a form and add a memo control that fits into its client area. Be sure to leave enough room for the tabs when they appear. Then add an OpenDialog and a button to the form. The "Add a file" button adds a single file to the tabcontrol. The "Assign files" button removes previous files and can be used to assign multiple files. To assign multiple files, use CNTL Select or SHIFT Select to select files in the OpenDialog. */ void __fastcall TForm1::Add_a_fileClick(TObject *Sender) { OpenDialog1->Options << ofAllowMultiSelect << ofFileMustExist << ofHideReadOnly; if (OpenDialog1->Execute()) { int index = TabControl1->Tabs->Add(OpenDialog1->FileName); Memo1->Lines->LoadFromFile(TabControl1->Tabs->Strings[index]); TabControl1Change(Sender); } } void __fastcall TForm1::Assign_filesClick(TObject *Sender) { OpenDialog1->Options << ofAllowMultiSelect << ofFileMustExist << ofHideReadOnly; if (OpenDialog1->Execute()) { TabControl1->Tabs->Assign(OpenDialog1->Files); Memo1->Lines->LoadFromFile(TabControl1->Tabs->Strings[TabControl1->TabIndex]); } } /* Place the following code in the tab control’s OnChange event handler: */ void __fastcall TForm1::TabControl1Change(TObject *Sender) { Memo1->Lines->LoadFromFile( TabControl1->Tabs->Strings[TabControl1->TabIndex]); }
Delphi Examples:
{ This example uses a tab control to display the contents of several files. To run the example, place a tab control on a form and add a memo control that fits into its client area. Be sure to leave enough room for the tabs when they appear. Then add an OpenDialog and a button to the form. The "Add a file" button adds a single file to the tabcontrol. The "Assign files" button removes previous files and can be used to assign multiple files. To assign multiple files, use CNTL Select or SHIFT Select to select files in the OpenDialog. } procedure TForm1.Add_a_fileClick(Sender: TObject); var index : integer; begin OpenDialog1.Options := [ofAllowMultiSelect, ofFileMustExist, ofHideReadOnly]; if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin index:= TabControl1.Tabs.Add(OpenDialog1.FileName); Memo1.Lines.LoadFromFile(TabControl1.Tabs[index]); TabControl1Change(Sender); end; end; procedure TForm1.Assign_filesClick(Sender: TObject); var index : integer; begin OpenDialog1.Options := [ofAllowMultiSelect, ofFileMustExist, ofHideReadOnly]; if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin TabControl1.Tabs.Assign(OpenDialog1.Files); Memo1.Lines.LoadFromFile( TabControl1.Tabs[TabControl1.TabIndex]); end; end; { Place the following code in the tab control’s OnChange event handler: } procedure TForm1.TabControl1Change(Sender: TObject); begin with TabControl1 do Memo1.Lines.LoadFromFile(Tabs[TabIndex]); end;
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